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We have a cat!

You would think that our home was filled with plenty of animals with two dogs and two guinea pigs, but there was something still missing from our family...a cat.  One of Travis's coworkers had a cat that took residence in their garage last winter.  They already had a cat and a dog and thought they would like to find a nice home for the cat.

That is where we come in.  I had been looking at possibly adopting a cat, but since this cat showed up and was free, we thought we would give cat ownership a try.  We are glad that we did.  After we brought Ellie home, she was a bit unsure about our dogs.  The dogs were good and didn't chase her, but every time they got near her she hissed at them.  After she figured out that they weren't going to hurt, she was feeling comfortable enough to come out more and not hide.

Now, she loves to play with Shadow at times and rubs up against both of them trying to get their attention.  She is a good addition to our family.


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