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First Day of School 2018

School started a week earlier this year which was a bit of a change.  We survived the first week and things went smoothly. 

Of course as a  mom I always wants a first day of school picture.  Connor isn't especially thrilled to have his picture taken, but did pose for a quick one.  Of course his smile is a bit cheesy because he wasn't happy about the photo, but I guess I at least got one.  I am proud of my boys and am so blessed. 

With the first week of school already came the reality of ordering a cap and gown for Connor's graduation.  I am going to enjoy every moment of this year.  Cody's birthday is coming in two days and he will be 14!  Again, how can this be??  They are turning into such nice young men.  That is my goal.  Raise them to be good people, to be kind, caring and have manners and of course who respect.  I think we are ready for the 2nd week of school.


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