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5th Grade Trip 2016

Cody's 5th grade class had the opportunity to take a trip to Eagle Bluff February 29-March 2, 2016.  It was the first time that Gibbs Elementary has offered this kind of opportunity for 5th graders.  The trip gave the students an opportunity to work together and learn some life lessons along the way.

I decided that it would be a good experience for me to be a chaperon on the trip.  The trip was filled with activities from breakfast time to "lights out" at 10 pm.  Needless to say, the trip was exhausting, but I also learned a lot.  It was fun to see the students do things that were at times out of their comfort zone.  I also learned that it can be challenging to work with so many different kids who have different personalities and attitudes.  God Bless teachers!

I am glad that was there to witness my son's experience and am proud at what he accomplished on the trip including a high ropes course that ended in a zip line.  Way to go Cody!


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