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Showing posts from August, 2010

Shoe shopping can be fun(ny)

The boys decided to go shopping with me today. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with how well it went considering we went to several stores to do mostly clothes and shoe shopping. My intentions were to look for stuff for myself, but it always turns into shopping for everyone. The boys got along great during the three hours we were out and one of the last stores we went to was the shoe store. To try on shoes I had to use one of those handy nylons that just slips over your foot. Cody found a different use. Definitely a Kodak moment. :-) He is always inventive.

Fun in the pool!

We love swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool in Austin! Ahhhhhh....

Cody gets a white stripe in karate

On Thursday, August 19 Cody earned his white stripe in karate.

Visiting Great Grandma Dietz

Yesterday we traveled to Waterloo, Iowa to visit my Grandma Dietz in the nursing home. The boys did very well considering all the different people/situations that can occur in a nursing home. Grandma doesn't hear very well so it was difficult to get her to understand names. Had I thought of it earlier, we should have written the names down for her to read instead. Either way, the boys got a kick out of it because she kept repeating the wrong name back to me and would say somewhat funny sounding names instead. Sometimes it is better to laugh at the situation even though it is difficult. We took grandma to watch the birds. There was a man by the bird cage who was very excited to see and speak to us. He said he recognized both Travis and I from HyVee and he kept repeating how he saw us there (of course we never saw him at HyVee). He then wanted to know the boys' names and proceeded to give each of them hugs while saying I love you over and over again. The boys handled the situatio

We caught a thief!!!

Some days are filled with more excitement than others. Today I was out getting the mail when I saw a group of 4 boys riding bikes. Since Connor's bike was stolen, I keep my eyes open for suspicious activity in the neighborhood. Right away these boys seemed to be up to no good. There was a bike in the yard across the street next to the sidewalk where they stopped. The boys stopped there at the corner and I heard them say "Hey, this bike must be free!" I wanted to say to them that they better not take that bike if it isn't theirs, but I thought they saw me watching them and would know better. Well, one of the boys got off the bike he was riding and took the bike that was sitting in the yard. He rode one way and the rest of the boys went the other way, and I heard them say they would meet up. In the meantime, I had Cody get Travis from the house, and Travis went to look for the boys. He saw them in a park up the street and they all had bikes that were spray painted. Obvi

Karate - White Belt

Cody earned his white belt in karate last night. Very proud moment for him and us! Way to go Cody!!!

Going to extremes...

When Cody got up this morning, he asked me if I remembered the little toy plastic pinball game he got the last time he was at the dentist. I told him that I did remember. He then told me that he needed to go to the dentist today to have a tooth pulled so that he could get another one. I told him I didn't think that would be necessary...I told him I could probably find one at a store somewhere instead of him having to have a tooth pulled. The funny thing is those little pinball games are very cheap, but apparently mean so much to kids. :-)

Fun at the fair...

This evening we went to the fair with the boys and one of Connor's friends (Carter Reed). It was a nice evening. The boys had wrist bands to go on unlimited rides until 10 p.m. They had a lot of fun and the cutest thing was when Connor had to help his brother do some of the "bigger" rides. He took care of his brother and held his hand from ride to ride at the end. At first Connor and his friend didn't want to go on the school bus ride because they thought it was a kid ride. At the end Travis convinced them to go on it with Cody. After that, they went on the ride a bunch of times (too many to count).

Karate kid!

Cody started karate this week and loves it. Here is his fighting stance. :-)

Michael Jackson

I was putting suntan lotion on the boys before swimming and Cody said that they looked white like Michael Jackson with it on. Anything that is really white, he relates to Michael Jackson. :-)