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Showing posts from September, 2010

Cody's first bus ride to school.

On Friday I did not have to work so it was Cody's first day to ride the bus to school. He gets to ride the bus home with Connor. Things went great, and he enjoyed riding the bus. It was fun to ride home with his brother. I am so proud of them!

Cody's first day of Kindergarten!!

The day finally arrived on Thursday for the first day of Kindergarten. They let the older grades start two days earlier so that things aren't as chaotic. As we were preparing to leave that morning to take the boys to SACC, Connor gave Cody a few words of advice. He told Cody not to say any bad words or do anything to get in trouble. He warned Cody not to embarrass him. Words of wisdom from the older brother on the first day. :-)

Tater tot what??

In preparing for Cody's first day of school, we needed to decide if Cody would be having lunch at school that day since he would need to be in School Aged Child Care. When checking the lunch menu I told both he and Connor that they would be serving tator tot hot dish. Cody asked "what's that?" to which Connor replied "it's tator tots, corn and some kind of cream stuff, I don't get it..." We laughed. Connor couldn't understand why that combination of ingredients should ever be put together. Needless to say, they both took their lunch that day.

Connor's 1st day of school

Connor started his first day of 4th grade on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. He had a good day and hopefully has a great year!

I'm 6!!!

Hard to believe, but my baby is now 6 years old. We had a great party the day before his actual birthday with a Transformers theme. He decided on the same theme as last year so that his Uncle Perley could be here this year to be a part of it, and he was! His friend Bella said she was lucky to be able to sit next to the birthday boy. :-) Also in attendance at his party were his friends Julian, Charlie, Sheldon, and Joey, his brother Connor, Great Grandma Zella, Grandma Jean, Grandpa Chuck, Priscila, cousins Alyssa, Breanna, Josh and his fiance and her daughter, Great-great Aunt Madora, Grandpa Dietz and Grandma Jacky, Bella's parents Mike and Megan and little sister Anna, and of course Travis and I.

Weekend at the Lake!

We enjoyed a great weekend at Lake Nancy in Minong, WI this past weekend with our friends/neighbors, the Malugani's. The weather was beautiful. We enjoyed boating, tubing and swimming on the lake.