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Showing posts from June, 2012

I'm back!

Wow, it is hard to believe how time flies.  I will be doing some updating soon since I have been absent from this blog for the last year!  Shame on me!  As for today, it is the last day of the 2011-2012 school year.  It has been a good year and has gone very fast as usual.  Hard to believe that Connor will be heading to middle school next year and Cody will be in 2nd grade!  Wow!  This morning when I talked to Cody before going to school he said to me "I will miss Connor next year."  He is so sweet.  He liked having his big brother there at school and would see him and talk to him in the halls.  He also asked me if there was time added to the school day for each grade you go up.  I said no there isn't and Connor said "Cody, if there was more time added for each year, I will be at school a lot later in the day than you."  :-)